
Neil Benn benn at cenix-bioscience.com
Wed Feb 2 06:52:52 EST 2005


          I'm running a test and having issues with logging, if I call 
logging.shutdown() and then want to start the logging going again then I 
get a problem as if I call shutdown, I can't get the root logger again, 
such as :

.>>> import logging
.>>> objTestLogger = logging.getLogger()
.>>> objTestLogger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
.>>> objTestLogger.addHandler(logging.FileHandler('c:\\test.log'))
.>>> objTestLogger.info("THIS IS A TEST")
.>>> logging.shutdown()
.>>> objTestLogger = logging.getLogger()
.>>> objTestLogger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
.>>> objTestLogger.info("THIS IS A TEST")
.Traceback (most recent call last):
.  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
.  File "c:\program files\python23\lib\logging\__init__.py", line 893, 
in info
.    apply(self._log, (INFO, msg, args), kwargs)
.  File "c:\program files\python23\lib\logging\__init__.py", line 994, 
in _log
.    self.handle(record)
.  File "c:\program files\python23\lib\logging\__init__.py", line 1004, 
in handle
.    self.callHandlers(record)
.  File "c:\program files\python23\lib\logging\__init__.py", line 1037, 
in callHandlers
.    hdlr.handle(record)
.  File "c:\program files\python23\lib\logging\__init__.py", line 592, 
in handle
.    self.emit(record)
.  File "c:\program files\python23\lib\logging\handlers.py", line 103, 
in emit
.    self.stream.seek(0, 2)  #due to non-posix-compliant Windows feature
.ValueError: I/O operation on closed file

    This means that I any code that write or use, if it calls 
logging.shutdown the logging is buggered for that process - is my 
analysis correct?




Neil Benn
Senior Automation Engineer
Cenix BioScience
BioInnovations Zentrum
Tatzberg 46

Tel : +49 (0)351 4173 154
e-mail : benn at cenix-bioscience.com
Cenix Website : http://www.cenix-bioscience.com

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