Don't understand global variables between modules

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Mon Feb 21 05:48:38 EST 2005

Bart wrote:

> I don't understand globals between multiple modules in a python program. I
> really don't. I've narrowed it down to the following two very simple
> programs and When I run I get the following output:
> inc:  2
> A:  2
> inc:  3
> B:  3
> C:  1
> I don't understand the last line at all. Why is my x variable 1 after having
> been incremented twice?

because running a script isn't the same thing as importing it.  try adding
"print __name__" lines before your other print statements so you can see
who's printing what.

> Is there more than one global space?

in this case, there are more module namespaces than you think.

this page might help (especially the "Using Modules as Scripts" section):


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