wxpython tutorials

Kartic removethis.kartic.krishnamurthy at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 08:18:27 EST 2005

Raghul said the following on 2/25/2005 12:24 AM:
> hi,
>     I want to learn Wxpython to work in windows.Is there any tutorials
> available?Pls specify the link that will be easy to learn for beginers
> like me

Raghul - If you have the patience, you can look at the demo source code. 
A good thing about the latest wxPython Demo version is that you can 
change the demo code in the *running* demo and execute the changed code 
to to see the results right away. I love that feature!

So, my suggestion to you is to start reading tutorials. A nice tutorial 
to get your feet wet is 

Once you feel comfortable with drawing a basic frame with a menu bar and 
able to handle events, you can build complex apps using a demo as your 
guide. Also, there is a weapon in your arsenal in the form of the 
wxWidgets Help Manual that is installed with wxPython. It is geared 
towards the wxWidget C++ library but the information can be used to 
build wxPython apps rather easily. The Help also annotates differences 
between the C++ class and wxPython (and wxPerl) usage where approporiate.

Have fun!

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