Efficient checksum calculating on lagre files

Ola Natvig ola.natvig at infosense.no
Tue Feb 8 10:33:57 EST 2005

Hi all

Does anyone know of a fast way to calculate checksums for a large file. 
I need a way to generate ETag keys for a webserver, the ETag of large 
files are not realy nececary, but it would be nice if I could do it. I'm 
using the python hash function on the dynamic generated strings (like in 
page content) but on things like images I use the shutil's 
copyfileobject function and the hash of a fileobject's hash are it's 
handlers memmory address.

Does anyone know a python utility which is possible to use, perhaps 
something like the md5sum utility on *nix systems.

  Ola Natvig <ola.natvig at infosense.no>
  infoSense AS / development

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