Probably over my head... Trying to get Font Names

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Fri Feb 18 14:20:25 EST 2005

Samantha wrote:

>Not sure why that email bounced.
That last one bounced too, btw.

>I downloaded these files:
>They all seemed to install. Is WinTTX2.0b1.exe not the fontTools file?
I believe WinTTX is a font-editing program from which fontTools was 
split out into a separate project.

As well, though I don't *know* that this will cause problems, I'd 
thought fontTools required Numeric (Numpy) rather than Numarray.  Would 
try the fontTools package first with the Numarray you've installed, and 
if you then find problems with it not being able to find Numeric, 
install the Numpy release.


  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder
                              PyCon is coming...

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