exporting mesh from image data

Fernando Perez fperez.net at gmail.com
Fri Feb 4 02:18:21 EST 2005

John Hunter wrote:

> I am trying to generate a mesh for a finite volume solver (gambit,
> fluent) from 3D image data (CT, MRI).  To generate the fluent msh
> file, you need not only a list of vertices and polygons, much like
> what is available in the vtk file format, but also the volume elements
> in the mesh that the polygons abut.  Eg for a given triangle in the
> mesh, you would have a line like


I hope you posted this on the VTK list with a CC to Prabhu as well...  The hopes
of a positive reply there are, I suspect, a fair bit higher.  The scipy list
would be a good idea, too.

I don't have an answer, but I recall seeing something about a finite volume
solver implemented in python recently.  Interestingly, a quick googling on
those terms turned this up:


Note the March 1 Boulder meeting :)  (the coordinated times suggest a
videoconference of sorts).

I'll most likely attend the talk, let me know if you still don't have a solution
by then and I can try to talk to Wheeler (if he's physically here instead of in
Gaithesburg).  For all we know, their code might provide an implementation,
have a look (I'd be quite interested in your opinion if you've already looked
at it).



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