turing machine in an LC

Michael Spencer mahs at telcopartners.com
Tue Feb 8 14:15:20 EST 2005

Jeremy Bowers wrote:

> That's not a generator expression, that's a generator function. Nobody
> contests they can reference earlier states, that's most of their point :-)

Are you sure?

I just wrote my examples in functions to label them

Here's your example with this method:
  >>> import itertools as it
  >>> results = [0]
  >>> magicGenerator = (i+1 for i,lastresult in it.izip(xrange(5),results))
  >>> results.extend(magicGenerator)
  >>> results
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

 > For context, we're trying to build Turing Completeness into Python without
 > indentation. I bailed out of a Xah Lee thread because people have
 > probably killed it :-)
Didn't see it, but this looked interesting - presumably your point
and this is entirely unrelated by now, except in
 > the vague sense he started with an (I'm sure entirely accidentally)
 > thought-provoking question.


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