[EVALUATION] - E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

Ilias Lazaridis ilias at lazaridis.com
Mon Feb 14 18:09:51 EST 2005

[Sorry, I'm to tired to read more posts today. I'll try to answer to 
each message adressed to me tomorrow. Thank you for your time.]


I find this thread facinating.

I don't know wich of the posters in this thread belong to the python team.

Nearly no one community member gives simply some answers to this very 
simple questions.

Please summarize all the efforts the community has taken to write within 
this thread.

This sum of efforts should be enouth to setup a basic official MinGW 

I have the strange feeling, that some people within the community and 
the team are not intrested in this.


copied from another answer:

"The Python Foundation could create an official sub-project to create an 
automated build target based on the MinGW toolchain. I am sure that many 
community members would be more than happy to contribute."


Let's see:

The process would be:

a) A Python Foundation official states: "of course we accept diversity 
and of course we are intrested that our source-code-base compiles 
directly with MinGW (and other compilers)".

b) the pyMinGW developer states: "I am intrested that my patches are 
included within the main python source code base" [of course this 
contribution would deserve to be mentioned somewhere]

c) One part of the Python Community states: "look those loosers, like to 
use MinGW toolkit - pah! I'll continue to use my super-optimizing, xx% 
faster results, less hassle Microsoft-Compiler"

d) One part of the Python Community states: "I'm very happy that my 
toolset of choice gets official support, to which I can contribute as a 
community member"

e) there is no point e. People start simply to cooperate, thus python's 
evolution is ensured.


I try to sleep after this communicational desaster here.

Good night to all.



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