python2.4 generator expression > python2.3 list expression

Brian Beck exogen at
Mon Feb 21 12:37:48 EST 2005

Duncan Booth wrote:
> The difference between the original "reset the rightmost '1' bit", and your 
> interpretation: "reset the rightmost bit" is the "'1'".
> The rightmost bit that is set is reset. So 0x10 -> 0, and 0x1010 -> 0x1000.
> If you want to extract the least significant set bit from a number 'x' you 
> can use (x&-x):

My interpretation of Bryan's (mis?)interpretation (heh) was that since 
in the numbers 2 and 10 (as in his examples), the least significant bit 
was already 0, performing an operation that set it to 0 should result in 
the number unchanged. As his tests show, this is not the case. This is 
because the operation works only if the least significant bit actually 
NEEDS to be unset. To zero the least significant bit unconditionally, we 
can use:

x &= ~1

Brian Beck
Adventurer of the First Order

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