Flushing print()

Daniel Yoo dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Thu Feb 24 21:34:42 EST 2005

gf gf <unknownsoldier93 at yahoo.com> wrote:
: Is there any way to make Python's print() flush
: automatically, similar to...mmm...that other
: language's $|=1 ?

Hello gf gf,

Yes; you can use the '-u' command line option to Python, which will
turn off stdout/stderr buffering.

: If not, how can I flush it manually?  sys.stdout.flush() didn't
: seem to work.

Hmmmm, that's odd.  sys.stdout.flush() should do it.  How are you
testing that stdout isn't flushing as you expect?

Best of wishes to you!

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