customizing metaclass constructed classes

Robin Becker robin at
Tue Feb 15 12:33:51 EST 2005

I have a set of classes for database access which are constructed using a 
special metaclass and base class.

so in the base module
class M(type):
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
       super(M, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
       for f in dict['_fieldDefs']:
           #create special property based on the field def

class A(object):
    __metaclass__ = M
    _fieldDefs = []

    #base methods

in the database module we use the above
class C(A):
   _fieldDefs =[

Now to my question: can I change the definition of the client class C at run 
time? I want to do something like add another element to C's _fieldDefs and then 
get it to go through the construction phase provided by M. It's clearly 
pointless for me to try something like

from database import C

as C is constructed by the import.
I either have to delay C's construction or reconstruct it.

Would something like this do?

def reconstruct():
     import database
     class C(database.C):
       _fieldDefs = database.C._fieldDefs+[......]
     database.C = C

Is there a better way to do this which preserves more of C's original identity? 
I suppose I want to call the metaclass initialization again, but can't see a way 
to do that.
Robin Becker

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