Definitive documentation on newstyle classes? (WAS: Pickling and inheritance are making me hurt)

Brian van den Broek bvande at
Sat Feb 5 20:34:51 EST 2005

Daniel Bickett said unto the world upon 2005-02-05 19:46:
> I was reading the "Pickling and inheritance are making me hurt"
> thread, and the latest suggestion (as of this posting) was to do with
> the __setstate__ and __getstate__ methods. They caught my attention
> because I hadn't encountered them before, and it reminded me that in
> the past I've never been able to very good, definitive documentation
> on newstyle classes. Googling for it gives little python tutorials on
> various sites, and even searching this newsgroup returns very specific
> questions, as a rule.
> Alas, the question: Does there exist a page that enumerates all of the
> features of the newstyle classes, and explains what they all do? If
> so, can anyone provide me with such a link?
> Thanks :-)

Hi Daniel,

it doesn't yet answer the "definitive" part, but
<> is worth a look.


Brian vdB

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