How can I get the source file name and current line number inside executed C-function

python MrJean1 at
Wed Feb 16 14:52:08 EST 2005

Below is a function to find the caller's file name, line number, etc.
inside Python.  Maybe this works for your case.

/Jean Brouwers

- import traceback
- def caller(up=0):
-     '''Get file name, line number, function name and
-        source text of the caller's caller as 4-tuple:
-        (file, line, func, text).
-        The optional argument 'up' allows retrieval of
-        a caller further back up into the call stack.
-        Note, the source text may be None and function
-        name may be '?' in the returned result.  In
-        Python 2.3+ the file name may be an absolute
-        path.
-     '''
-     try:  # just get a few frames
-         f = traceback.extract_stack(limit=up+2)
-         if f:
-            return f[0]
-     except:
-         if __debug__:
-            traceback.print_exc()
-         pass
-      # running with psyco?
-     return ('', 0, '', None)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
-     print caller()

Marek Prerovsky wrote:
> Hello,
> I implemented some Python functions in my C/C++ code. I need to know
the Python source file name and line number of just executed
> Python command which calls my function.
> How can I get this information inside my C/C++ function?
> Thanks for any help.
> Marek

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