Big development in the GUI realm

Mike Meyer mwm at
Mon Feb 7 21:45:57 EST 2005

"Kartic" <kartic.krishnamurthy at> writes:

> Is there a "GPL for Dummies" out there??? :-)
> Sorry if I am asking a question that has already been asked/answered in
> another form.
> In any case, let's say I use Python to create an application that uses
> some module that is GPL. So what are my options?
> 1. Distribute my app as closed source but with source, available upon
> request and clearly stated so in my license, for the GPL'ed module. But
> the code to my app only is not available as it is closed source.

You can't do this one. At least, that's the stand that the FSF is

I wonder about distributing an installation tool that grabs the GPL'ed
module from it's "standard" location and just installing it? That way,
you're not distributing any GPL'ed code, so your code can be
distributed however you want. It would seem that that would have to be
legal, otherwise apt-get and CPAN would be legally problematical.

Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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