not playing

Marian Aldenhövel marian at
Sun Feb 6 23:33:58 EST 2005


> Please post your os name and version, Python version, Pygame version,

German Windows XP Home, 2.3.4, 1.6

> Also you can try and look for another sound package

I will. Until I find something suitable I will just build a dummy class
that has the commands I need, I can later interface that to whatever I
really use. Should I ever get to that point - as I said, this is a toy
project and they tend to die suddenly :-).

Ciao, MM
Marian Aldenhövel, Rosenhain 23, 53123 Bonn. +49 228 624013.
"Wir brauchen keine Opposition, wir sind bereits Demokraten."

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