Tiled Image viewer

Ian McConnell ian at emit.demon.co.uk
Mon Feb 21 08:28:23 EST 2005

Does anyone know of a widget or sample code for viewing huge (ie bigger than
RAM) images in python? The usual way of doing this is to read part of the
image into memory as a set of tiles and then zoom and pan the tiles.

The sort of thing I'm trying to achive is at


but I'd like to be able to do something like this with python (wxpython).
The other problems are that I don't really want a client/server (just a
single executable) and I have a funny image format (100s MB of matrix data)
so making the image pyramids would be a little tricky.

I've found Matt Kimballs pan and zoom widget


but this still reads the whole image into memory. Is there something similar
to image_view.py, but which also does tiling?


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