not playing

Marian Aldenhövel marian at
Sun Feb 6 11:40:13 EST 2005


> Search the net. You are not the first to try and build a jukebox out of pygame ;)

I did find a few, yes.

Currently this is a toy project as I am learning the language, so early
success means more to me than perfect results. And, as I said, I do not really
have an alternative.

Maybe some way to remote control another player would be in order. Leave it
to software that is specialized and all. But I would want something that runs
on Windows and Linux which narrows down my options.

> You have a typo in the code you posted that may be your problem.

You are refering to the missing ' in the filename?'file1.mp3)

No, that's not the problem. I did paste working code but I then edited out the
full absolute path that I had coded into the program and introduced the error.

I also tried your sample but no difference. Must be something on my system
as it does seem to play...

Ciao, MM
Marian Aldenhövel, Rosenhain 23, 53123 Bonn. +49 228 624013.
"Wir brauchen keine Opposition, wir sind bereits Demokraten."

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