idea of building python module using pyrex

David M. Cooke cookedm+news at
Fri Dec 9 09:19:05 EST 2005

"ajikoe at" <ajikoe at> writes:

> For example stastical module like commulative probability  function for
> t distribution, or other numerical module which incorporate looping to
> get the result.
> I found that pyrex is very helpfull when dealing with looping
> things.

Pyrex is indeed quite helpful. If you're interested in statistical
distributions, you'll want to look at the scipy.stats module in scipy
(, which has lots (including the t distribution).

In SciPy, we use Pyrex for the random-number generator module
scipy.random. It's actually used to wrap some C code, but it does the
job well.

|David M. Cooke

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