Python on GP2X (Linux Based Handheld Console)

Michael Sparks michaels at
Thu Dec 15 03:43:34 EST 2005


I hadn't seen any announcements regarding this, but there's a little
device recently released called a GP2X which is a small dual CPU
(2x200Mhz) device which runs Linux.

Anyway, I thought there might be someone in here interested to hear
that python AND pygame have both been ported to it already (not by
me). I've also ported some of our code to it (the bouncing cats demo
I've shown at a couple of python conferences), and found it really nice
to work with so far. The cats bounce at an acceptable (to me)
framerate :-)

Link for python:

Link for device:

Just thought I'd post about this, since I thought someone might find it
useful :)

Michael.Sparks at,
British Broadcasting Corporation, Research and Development
Kingswood Warren, Surrey KT20 6NP

This message contains personal views which are not the views of the
BBC unless specifically stated.

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