What is unique about Python?

Szabolcs Nagy nszabolcs at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 20:17:36 EST 2005

i don't know if they are unique, but my favourite features are:

readable and short code (consistent syntax, few keywords)
iterpreter (very useful for learning)
dir(obj) / vars(obj) (very useful for learning)
dynamic typing
lightweight oo (no public/protected/private)
built-in types (list, dict, str have useful methods)
iterator protocol
generators (yield syntax)
list comprehension / generator expression
keyword args
tuple assignment (unpacking tuple: a,b =1,2)
return with multiple values (tuple makes it easy)
widespread (it's easy to find a python module for any kind of task)
extendible with low-level languages (pyrex/swig/boostpython)


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