XML and namespaces

Alan Kennedy alanmk at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 6 07:58:09 EST 2005

[Fredrik Lundh]
 > my point was that (unless I'm missing something here), there are at
 > least two widely used implementations (libxml2 and the 4DOM domlette
 > stuff) that don't interpret the spec in this way.

Libxml2dom is of alpha quality, according to its CheeseShop page anyway.


This can be seen in its incorrect serialisation of the following valid DOM.

document = libxml2dom.createDocument(None, "doc", None)
top = document.xpath("*")[0]
elem1 = document.createElementNS("DAV:", "myns:href")
elem1.setAttributeNS(xml.dom.XMLNS_NAMESPACE, "xmlns:myns", "DAV:")
document.replaceChild(elem1, top)
print document.toString()

Which produces

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Which is not even well-formed XML (duplicate attributes), let alone 
namespace well-formed. Note also the invalid xml namespace "xmlns:xmlns" 
attribute. So I don't accept that libxml2dom's behaviour is definitive 
in this case.

The other DOM you refer to, the 4DOM stuff, was written by a participant 
in this discussion.

Will you accept Apache Xerces 2 for Java as a widely used DOM 
Implementation? I guarantee that it is far more widely used than either 
of the DOMs mentioned.

Download Xerces 2 (I am using Xerces 2.7.1), and run the following code 
under jython:-


# This is a simple adaptation of the DOMGenerate.java
# sample from the Xerces 2.7.1 distribution.
from javax.xml.parsers import  DocumentBuilder, DocumentBuilderFactory
from org.apache.xml.serialize import OutputFormat, XMLSerializer
from java.io import StringWriter

def create_document():
   dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
   db  = dbf.newDocumentBuilder()
   return db.newDocument()

def serialise(doc):
   format  = OutputFormat( doc )
   outbuf  = StringWriter()
   serial  = XMLSerializer( outbuf, format )
   return outbuf.toString()

doc = create_document()
root = doc.createElementNS("DAV:", "href")
doc.appendChild( root )
print serialise(doc)

Which produces

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

As I expected it would.

alan kennedy
email alan:              http://xhaus.com/contact/alan

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