Clearing the Tkinter Window

James Stroud jstroud at
Thu Dec 15 17:34:36 EST 2005

Dustan wrote:
> I'm a newbie here, especially with Tkinter.  I'm writing a program that
> has 3 phases, if you will, in which I would have to clear the window
> and insert new widgets. Is this possible, and if so, how?  I'm writing
> my application class based on Frame, if that helps at all.

Its not obvious what you are asking.

But, if you populate a Frame with widgets, then you can destroy those 
widgets if you destroy the Frame:

tk = Tk()
f = Frame(tk)

# fill frame with 10 buttons
for i in xrange(10):
   Button(f, text=str(i)).pack()

# kill the frame and buttons
f.destroy()   # references to buttons gone too, so they are GC'd

# make a new frame and put it in tk
f = Frame(tk)

# etc.

You will want to make sure any name assignments are re-assigned, del'd, 
or go out of scope after you destroy frame, or the button objects won't 
be garbage collected, even though they are destroyed when the frame is 


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