Python as a Server vs Running Under Apache

sjdevnull at sjdevnull at
Wed Dec 28 23:13:26 EST 2005

Matt Helm wrote:
> I am starting the design phase of a large project (ERP) where the
> backend will mostly be Python (or Ruby) providing web services.
> In this type of usage, is there any benenfit to running under Apache
> as opposed to a pure Python solution using Medusa, TwistedMatrix, or
> the like?

Running under Apache is nice if you need other apache services like
proxying, mod_rewrite, some of the accelerated static file serving
plugins, etc.  Many of those now have replacements in Twisted (and
presumably other systems), but if you're coordinating with other parts
of the system running under Apache then it may be a reasonable choice.
Also, there may be some political/marketing gain (easier to pitch your
proposal if it's running under Apache).

But basically, if you're doing a pure-python system from scratch then
there's not much gained by running under Apache.

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