ANN: xmldict 1.1

Ivan Voras ivoras at __yahoo.org__
Wed Dec 28 07:29:49 EST 2005

As it seems that few people are actually using this, I've made a small 
update to xmldict library, available here:

Some border-cases involving empty tags and atributes are resolved, and 
examples are updated.


It's a very small (8KB, possibly < 6KB without comments & examples) pure 
python parser for XML data. It doesn't care about fancy things like 
validation, and will probably break in silly ways on malformed input. 
Its only goal is to convert simple XML into nested dictionary-like 
structures. You'd be crazy to use it instead of a real parser for 
arbitrary XML, but it's perfect for parsing configuration files and the 
occasional XML-based network protocol. It uses only sys and re 
libraries, but can easily be reworked to be self-sufficient.

Again, test carefully before use, no gurantees that it will work, etc.

Happy hollidays!

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