Interesting little "gotcha" with generators

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Thu Dec 22 17:09:34 EST 2005

Kenneth McDonald wrote:

> I recently had need to write the following code:
>      def compileOuter(self):
>          if False: yield None
>          else: return
> "compileOuter" is a generator function which is implemented in  
> various classes. In this particular class, it always yields nothing.  
> However, none of the following work:
>      def compileOuter(self):
>          return
>      def compileOuter(self):
>          pass
>      def compileOuter(self):
>          yield

This would work:

  def compileOuter(self):
    	return iter(())

and depending on how it is used, you might also get away with:

  def compileOuter(self):
    return []

A generator is simply a function which when called returns an iterator, so 
you can use any other function which returns an iterator in its place.

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