I want a Python Puppy !

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Mon Dec 12 17:35:26 EST 2005

Claudio Grondi wrote:
> I have just discovered the existance of Puppy Linux which is a complete
> operating  system with a suite of GUI apps,  only about 50 - 60M booting
> directly off the CDROM ( http://www.puppylinux.org ).

This isn't really Python-related, but I thought that Puppy Linux would
be even more interesting if it could use CD-RW media wisely (so that
you don't fill up a CD-R disc and then have to burn the image and the
latest contents onto another one, but can instead create new sessions
and then choose to erase and rewrite them later) or even CD-MRW (so
that you can write back to the disc as if it were a normal drive).
Perhaps someone has delivered one or the other of these things since I
last checked.


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