How to Refresh the Desktop window with python script

Gary Herron gherron at
Mon Dec 12 21:20:17 EST 2005

muttu2244 at wrote:

>Hi everybody
>I have couple of questions,
>1) How can i refresh my desktop window(wallpaper), using the python
>script, after pasting some data on the desktop.
The is *way* too operating system and window system dependent to answer 
without more knowledge.

>2) How can i run an exe file from the python
One way is os.system:
Another more comprehensive method can be found in the subprocess module:

>3) How can i get the information of a machine like "computer name",
>"mac address", "ip address" and "OS on that system".
The platform module can give lots of such info:

Good Luck,
Gary Herron

>Thanks in advance for having given a thought on my questions.

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