Please i need a hand with writing a simple task.

Marian poeta_sam at
Mon Dec 19 11:58:51 EST 2005

  Can you pleae help me with this task. I have really hard time with my textbook desolving this problem.
   The Task:  Write a program that will create a text file, print the contents of the text file as you create the file. Read the contents of the file after it's been created, add a record and print the contents of the file, remove a record(s) from the specified file, write it again, read it again, print the contens of the new file.
  those are the file specifications include:
  CIT101  Academic Computer Skills 
  CIT111 =  Database Management 
  CIT115 =  Intro to Computer scince 
  CIT211 =  Systems Analysis and Design 
  CIT216 = Visual Basic
CIT218 = Intermediate Visual Basic
CIT234 = Decision Support Using Excel
  courses to add:
  CIT236 SQL Programming
  CIT240 Database Programming
  Courses to delete:
   Thanks a lot in advance !!
      Mario !!!

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