Memoizing decorator

Daishi Harada daishi at
Wed Dec 7 20:37:02 EST 2005


Sorry about the previous dup; I'm posting through
Google Groups which seems to have burped.

Anyways, I've "improved" things (or at least
got things passing more tests). I now bind
the cache to each object instance (and class
for classmethods).

At least one issue still remains, mostly due
to the fact that I still don't really grok how
descriptors are supposed to work.
I managed to get the


case to not break by "delegating" to the
classmethod's __get__ from my memoize's
in order to obtain the "correct" underlying
method/function. It seems, however, that
the classmethod implementation doesn't
do the same delegation, so now the flip
case of


is having issues where AFAICT there's no
way for the memoize to know what class
it's bound to because classmethod doesn't
invoke it as a decorator. Therefore in that
configuration the memoize is still using
the cache bound to the underlying function
instead of the class object as would be

Any thoughts/comments would still be


# All my debugging prints still remain ...
import types
import sys

class DescriptorMemoize(object):
    def __init__(self, fn):
        print '__init__', self, fn
        self.fn = fn
        self._cache = {}
    def __call__(self, *args):
        # Regular invocation case
        print '__call__', self, args
        return self._callmain(self.fn, self._cache, args)
    def _callmain(self, fn, cache, args):
        # The basic logic here is the same as in the
        # wiki decorator library.
        print '_callmain', fn, cache, args
            return cache[args]
        except KeyError:
            value = fn(*args)
            cache[args] = value
            return value
        except TypeError:
            return fn(*args)
    def __get__(self, inst, owner):
        # Method invocation case
        print '__get__', self, inst, owner
        # Get the right underlying method
            fn = self.fn.__get__(inst, owner)
            print 'got bound'
        except AttributeError:
            fn = self.fn
            print 'using default fn'
        # Get the right cache
        # (Generally get the instance's cache)
        if (inst is None or
            isinstance(self.fn, classmethod)):
            print 'using owner cache', owner
            obj = owner
            print 'using inst cache', inst
            obj = inst
            # Bypass regular attribute lookup
            maincache = obj.__dict__['_memoizecache']
            print 'found maincache in obj', obj
        except KeyError:
            maincache = {}
            obj._memoizecache = maincache
            print 'created new maincache on', obj
        cache = maincache.setdefault(self.fn, {})
        print 'maincache+id , cache', maincache, id(maincache), cache
        def call(*args):
            print 'call', args
            return self._callmain(fn, cache, args)
        return call

def mk_memoize_test_class(memoize_fn):
    class A(object):
        n_insts = 0

        def __init__(self, n):
            self.n = n
            A.n_insts += 1

        # De-decorate so we can test things easier
        def meth(self, x):
            print '(eval-meth %s %s)' % (str(self), str(x))
            return x+self.n
        mem_meth = memoize_fn(meth)

        # The following will memoize the wrong answer
        # unless all instances are created first.
        def clsmeth(cls, x):
            print '(eval-clsmeth %s %s)' % (str(cls), str(x))
            return x+cls.n_insts
        cls_clsmeth = classmethod(clsmeth)
        memcls_clsmeth = memoize_fn(cls_clsmeth)
        clsmem_clsmeth = classmethod(memoize_fn(clsmeth))

    return A

def test_memoize(memoize_fn):
    def printsep():
        print '-'*30

    def fn(x):
        print '(eval %s)' % str(x)
        return x

    print 'bare fn'
    print fn(1)
    print fn(1)

    A = mk_memoize_test_class(memoize_fn)
    def test_class(a):
        for f in ('meth', 'mem_meth'):
            print f
            m = getattr(a, f)
                print m(1)
                print m(1)
            except Exception, e:
                print 'XXX', e
        for (label, o) in (('inst', a), ('cls', A)):
            for f in ('cls_clsmeth', 'memcls_clsmeth',
                print label
                print f
                m = getattr(o, f)
                    print m(1)
                    print m(1)
                except Exception, e:
                    print 'XXX', e

    a1 = A(1)
    a2 = A(10)
    print 'Testing a1'
    print 'Testing a2'

if __name__ == '__main__':

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