Why and how "there is only one way to do something"?

Chris Smith smitty_one_each at bigfoot.com
Thu Dec 15 15:29:16 EST 2005

>>>>> "bonono" == bonono  <bonono at gmail.com> writes:

    bonono> What I don't quite understand is, if it is "obvious",
    bonono> whether there is a Zen, people would still code it that
    bonono> way(unless of course they want to hide it from others or
    bonono> make it difficult to understand on purpose), there won't
    bonono> be any argument of "which one is the obvious way".  And if
    bonono> there is an argument(or disagreement), which one is the
    bonono> obvious ?

Python seems to strive for consistency in all levels.  The 'obvious
way' is the one with the greatest stylistic cohesion across the rest
of the language.

When you delve into a new realm, as I have lately been investigating
the logging module, consistency helps lower the learning curve; we're
re-cycling as much knowledge as possible.

    bonono> I think it is more like there is a preferred way, by the
    bonono> language creator and those share his view.

You're right.  There is no way to factor out the subjective nature of
what becomes orthodoxy.  Guido's taste, while perhaps imperfect, still
stands out.  Props.


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