Python as a Server vs Running Under Apache

Larry Bates larry.bates at
Fri Dec 30 10:11:22 EST 2005

Matt Helm wrote:
> I am starting the design phase of a large project (ERP) where the
> backend will mostly be Python (or Ruby) providing web services.
> In this type of usage, is there any benenfit to running under Apache
> as opposed to a pure Python solution using Medusa, TwistedMatrix, or
> the like?
> Thanks,
> Matt
If it is a large project and you like Python as back end be sure
to evaluate using Zope (which can use Apache as a front end for
serving up static info and for SSL, etc.).  With Zope you get a
lot of "free" stuff like XMPRPC, DAV, FTP, that can take quite
a lot of time to implement from scratch.  It may not be for you,
but you owe it to yourself to take a look.

-Larry Bates

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