lambda (and reduce) are valuable

Peter Otten __peter__ at
Sat Dec 10 04:27:09 EST 2005

Alan aka David Isaac wrote:

>>> #evaluate polynomial (coefs) at x using Horner's rule
>>> def horner(coefs,x): return reduce(lambda a1,a2: a1*x+a2,coefs)

> It just cannot get simpler or more expressive.

But is it correct? 

>>> a0, a1, a2 = 1, 2, 3
>>> x = 2
>>> a0 + x*(a1 + x*(a2))
>>> def horner(coefs, x): return reduce(lambda a1, a2: a1*x + a2, coefs)
>>> horner([a0, a1, a2], x)

Are we merely employing different conventions for the order of coefficients
or is that simple and expressive lambda/reduce stuff obscuring an error?


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