ANN: Dao Language v.0.9.6-beta is release!

Antoon Pardon apardon at
Wed Dec 7 03:00:35 EST 2005

Op 2005-12-06, JohnBMudd at schreef <JohnBMudd at>:
>>  Just because a few people dislike something,
>> doesn't make it a defect.
> Actually, it does.  Unless you're in the business of building security
> systems.  Then the goals are reversed.
> I can accept that you like scope by indent and don't want to see any
> changes gong forward.  That's your choice.
>> it's somewhat ironic that you have to cite a documented
>> source to back up your point.
> Somewhat.  :)
>> Do you think that adding braces to Python will mean
>> we can remove part of the existing documentation?
> No, it will add a little there.  Where it will cut down is the
> otherwise unending debate over the issue.  Documentation is not just
> what you find on a single web page.

What I don't understand is, that most people who have a problem
with scope by indentation, want to introduce braces. I think
braces are the worst solution.

Python has clear constructs that mark where suites begin. There
is no need for an extra open brace. So if you don't want to
rely on indentation, something to mark the end of a suite
would be sufficient.

I personnaly don't like the forced indentation of python
and its lack of endmarkers for suits/blocks. I also think
it is not that a big deal. Just as I indent my code in
languages that don't enforce it, I generally put in
end markers when I program python.

In the past that was just by using comments like:

  if ...:

But lately I have been wondering about doing the following:

end = None


  if ...:

IMO it looks better, but I'm reluctant because it suggest
some checking by the compilor, which just doesn't happen.

Antoon Pardon

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