timeit's environment

Alex Martelli aleax at mail.comcast.net
Sun Dec 4 23:32:23 EST 2005

<rurpy at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Why doesn't the following work?  It generates a "NameError: global
> name 'data' is not defined" error.
>   import timeit
>   global data
>   data = [3,8,4,8,6,0,5,7,2,1]
>   env = "global data; x = data"
>   print timeit.Timer('x.sort()', env).timeit()
>   print timeit.Timer('x.sort(cmp=cmp', env).timeit()
> How can I get timeit() to see an external (to it) variable?
> (In the real program 'data' is very expensive to create and
> contains non-reproducable data and the two timeit calls
> must be run on identical objects.

You have to use 'from __main__ import data as x' rather than just say
'global data; x=data', because timeit is a separate module from your
__main__ one.


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