Reading portions of a wave file

Nadie Nadie at
Mon Aug 15 22:33:36 EDT 2005

Greeting list readers,

I noticed that the wave read object has an *implementation dependent* 
setpos(pos) method.  When reading audio files, it is useful to be able 
to set the position to a specific sample.  While setpos(pos) may do this 
on certain implementations (haven't tried it), it would not be a 
reliable way to do it in a platform independent manner.

Is anyone familiar with an alternative wave package that would let one 
arbitrarily access portions of a wave file?  Clearly, one can read in up 
to the desired point, but when the file is very large, this becomes an 
inappropriate way of doing things.


If you have a suggestion and prefer to send e-mail, please send it to 
"nospam" with the domain from the bogus address listed above.

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