python for microcontrollers

Kay Schluehr kay.schluehr at
Tue Aug 9 00:45:46 EDT 2005

Hi Bastard,

one of the main reasons PyPy gets funded by the EU was the promise to
port Python to embedded systems ( but not necessarily very memory
restricted ones ). The project seems to be in a state where the team
tries to get rid of the CPython runtime alltogether and reaching some
autonomy. The idea of providing a Forth backend would fit into the
concept and would be great IMO.

Maybe You should also have a look on the JavaCard platform
specification for inspiration what is possible for an OO language on
time and memory resticted platforms.

Since there are vendors that implemented the JVM on smartcards against
SUNs spec and JavaCards are on the market ( not just research
prototypes ) the approach has been proven successfull. For the matter
of memory layout I would naively try to adapt the type inferencer (
annotator in PyPy slang ) and restrict Python to an even more smaller
subset than RPython ( SmartJava does not even support strings. On the
other hand the explicit casting to short and byte types is by no means
braindead ). I currently don't have an idea for memory management and
I'm not even sure about implicit or explicit finalization.


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