Well, another try Re: while c = f.read(1)

James Kim kimsj at mobile.snu.ac.kr
Sat Aug 20 06:25:27 EDT 2005

Robert Kern wrote:
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html

Is it a *smart* way or *necessary* way?

Plus, my question was not for the detail description but for the 
intuitive guide leading the beginner's further study.

I understand that too many repeated talks make cyberian tired. However, 
over and over discussions of basic concepts is also very important for 
technology enhancements. Thus, Commands 'iter' and 'lambda' should be 
discussed over and over about their necessity and convenience in the 
news-group as long as they are the principle keywords distinguished from 
the conventional languages like c/c++, pascal, etc.


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