tkinter text widget question

William Gill noreply at
Sun Aug 21 14:53:44 EDT 2005

rafi wrote:
> William Gill wrote:
>> The tkinter text widget uses indexes to identify row:column offsets 
>> within the text, but it seems counter intuitive to have to convert row 
>> and column integers to a string like "0.1'.  It's great that index can 
>> take a string, but what about looping through rows and columns?  Am I 
>> missing a way to use integers directly, or should I create a class 
>> that takes the two integers and returns them formatted as the proper 
>> string?
> tkinter relies on tk that is for tcl at first, and in tcl every thing is 
> a string (more or less).
> "%s.%s" % (row, column)

Simple enough.  (sometimes I can't see the simplest things, without 
complicating them)


> should answer your problem easily
> my 2 cents

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