Oreilly CodeZoo

Jorge Godoy godoy at ieee.org
Mon Aug 8 09:20:32 EDT 2005

richard wrote:

> We (PyPI / Cheese Shop developers) are talking to the CodeZoo people about
> the relationship between the two systems. Things PyPI has:
> 1. python setup.py register
> 2. python setup.py (sdist|bdist|bdist_egg|bdist_wininst|...) upload
> 3. http://cheeseshop.python.org/
> 4. better categorisation (IMO)
> 5. XML-RPC interface
> 6. 852 packages registered


Some feedback:

With regards to 6, it would be interesting, though, to separate the
classification using just the software name and not the version.  For
example http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi?:action=browse&asdf=256 has four
entries to ZODB3, in four different versions.  This would decrease the
amount of packages registered, but would allow a more realistic view of
"packages" and not of "package versions", IMVHO.

A subtree with version numbers could solve the problem of storing
information for old versions when a new one is added.

With regards to 4, I'd like to see the "Topic" category in the beginning of
the page -- this is what most people search, I guess -- and not at the
bottom of it.  I'm usually looking for a software to do <something> and not
a software that is being planned, is in alpha - beta - production stage,

Also, there's a discrepancy on the amount of packages stored.  The
categorization page says there are 679 packages.  The main page says there
are 852.  I believe the categorization page does what I suggested and
disregard different versions of the same software.  I think this (679) is
the correct number.

Ah!  And an RSS feeder would be interesting, to know when there are new
packages or when a package has been upgraded... ;-)  Where's the
"wishlist"? :-)

I hope you see this as a constructive feedback from someone that has just
screened the pages, getting to know it. 

Be seeing you,
Jorge Godoy      <godoy at ieee.org>

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