What are modules really for?

Neil Benn benn at cenix-bioscience.com
Thu Aug 11 05:12:26 EDT 2005

Tito wrote:

> <snip>
>>If I want to change one class and replace the file on the install then I 
>>need to put a whole bunch of classes on - increasing the change of 
>>making a mistake.
>Sorry, I don't understand the previous sentence. What is meant by 
>"replace on the install"? And by "to put a whole bunch of classes on"?
Suppose you have a logistics tracking system available on every install 
in your company - there are 55 installs throughout the company.  You 
wish to push through a patch because of a problem.  If you have one 
class per file you can push that class through onto the client install.  
However, if you have 15 different classes in one file - you will need to 
drop all 15 classes through, thereby increasing the likelihood of 
accidently pushing a bug onto the install.  If you want to do live 
updating (don;t think that this is a feature of Python so it's acadmenic 
here) then what do you do, reload all 15 classes - just the one you've 

>Well, I wasn't talking exactly about making use of dangerous features of 
>  languages, but more about the way of using imperative object-oriented 
>languages in a non-object-oriented way.
well, in languages like C#, Java and eiffel - you shouldn't really be 
doing that anyways.  that is why they are poor choices for hobbies, 
hacks and quickie.

    P.S. why is Glenn McGrath walking about??




Neil Benn
Senior Automation Engineer
Cenix BioScience
BioInnovations Zentrum
Tatzberg 47

Tel : +49 (0)351 4173 154
e-mail : benn at cenix-bioscience.com
Cenix Website : http://www.cenix-bioscience.com

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