Recommendations for CVS systems

Jorge Godoy godoy at
Tue Aug 9 10:18:19 EDT 2005

geskerrett at wrote:

> The IDE what have been using/experimenting with are drPython and
> eclipse with PyDev.

Eclipse has a fine integration with both CVS and Subversion.  If you'll be
having a lot of images and binary objects or you don't have the design
right by the time you start coding, I'd recommend on using Subversion.  If
you do, both are good.

Why Subversion?  Because you'll be able to move files around without loosing
their history or without loosing the old filename in the repository.

One dawback is that you'll have to install the Subclipse plugin to use
Subversion, while CVS is already there...  But it's as easy as pointing a
new update/install site and clicking on the desired package.

We use both here and recently we've migrated to Subversion as our main VCS. 
We noticed that there was a reduction in disk space that can be very
significative depending on the type of file that you'll be working with.

Jorge Godoy      <godoy at>

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