Replacement for keyword 'global' good idea? (e.g. 'modulescope' or 'module' better?)

Antoon Pardon apardon at
Wed Aug 17 03:23:29 EDT 2005

Op 2005-08-16, Peter Hansen schreef <peter at>:
> Antoon Pardon wrote:
>> Why has one made a difference in search policy for finding a
>> variable based on whether the variable is rebound or not
>> in the first place.
> Do you really not understand the reason, or do you simply disagree with 
> it?

How can I understand something that was never explained to me. Each time
I saw this coming up people answered the technical question about the
difference between rebinding and accessing or modification. I haven't seen
anyone answer the question asnwer at this level.

> It's a choice with rational thought behind it.

Then please explain this rational thought instead of
just asserting that it is present.

Antoon Pardon

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