Fat and happy Pythonistas (was Re: Replacement for keyword'global' good idea? ...)

Bengt Richter bokr at oz.net
Sun Aug 7 21:35:47 EDT 2005

On Sun, 7 Aug 2005 18:37:42 -0400, "Terry Reedy" <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:

>"John Roth" <newsgroups at jhrothjr.com> wrote in message 
>news:11fakjctean9u8a at news.supernews.com...
>> http://martinfowler.com/articles/languageWorkbench.html
>This clarified your proposal for Python considerably.  So I note that now 
>and especially once the AST compiler is completed, you are quite free to 
>start a Python AST Extension (PASTE) project quite independently of Guido 
>and the PSF developers.  Build an AST-based editor like Fowler described, 
>with transient text presentations.  (And pick your preferred GUI for doing 
>so.) Or design a system for translating domain-specific languages into 
>PyASTs, from whence they can be compiled to bytecode and run.
(Not implying that you need this for your edification ;-)

I think the relationship of abstract entities and their concrete representations
is very interesting. And it is useful to note that the representation of an AST
in computer memory with a python interpreter looking at the AST node representations
involves another layer of concrete representation. And the interpreter is an abstraction
with a concrete representation, etc. down to the CPU as interpreter of of instructions
etc., and the CPU being an abstraction made concrete my aggregating concrete elements
chosen for their physical nature as representations of abstractions and behaving
so as to transform concrete states in ways that reflect the transformations of the
corresponding abstractions. And so forth ;-)

IOW, a compiled python program AST in the abstract, would be the same abstraction
even if both compiler and tree represention were done in lisp and you had lispython
instead of cpython etc. Or whether we kept track of everything scribbling in beach
sand with our toes.

BTW, maybe this is a place to mention the concept of an AST decorator, that works like
a function decorator except that it is prefixed with @@ instead of @ and it operates
at compile time when the AST becomes available, but before it gets translated to code,
and what gets passed to the decorator is the AST and the node of its own call (which it would
typically eliminate from the AST as it does whatever else it is programmed to do). Which means
that the decorator must already be compiled and avaiable at that point, so it can be looked
up somewhere by the name. The idea is that this form of decoration could transform the
AST arbitrarily before code generation, and be a very flexible tool for mischief of course,
but also useful tricky things IWT.

Bengt Richter

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