Logging all activity on a tty/pty?

Adriaan Renting renting at astron.nl
Wed Aug 24 02:54:57 EDT 2005

I only do this on Linux, and it will probably not work on all versions of Unix, not even to mention Windows, but I basically have used the code of Pexpect and removed the part that does the expecting. ;-)
The author of the Pexpect module also has clearly documented potential pitfalls in his FAQ. I think you can find it on pexpect.sourceforge.org
See also the documentation of the pty module.
>>>Dan Stromberg <strombrg at dcs.nac.uci.edu> 08/24/05 1:54 am >>> 
Is there a way, using python, to (voluntarily) log all activity in a 
given shell, in a way that should work on pretty much all *ix's with a 
port of python? 

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