python ETL

Robert Kern rkern at
Mon Aug 1 08:25:06 EDT 2005

arielgr at wrote:
> Hi,
> My company is involved in the development of many data marts and
> data-warehouses, and I currently looking into migrating our old set of
> tools (written in Korn) to a new, more dynamic and robust one. I am
> looking into python as I have heard that it could be a good contestant
> for the job, and wanted to know if anyone knew of an existing open
> source project which implements ETL using python, or any libraries that
> may ease the production of such tools.

I'm not an expert in such matters, I had to Google for the definition of 
ETL ("extract, transform, and load" which appears to just be a buzzword 
for "data munging"); but it seems to me that "ETL" is so utterly broad 
in scope that we can't tell you anything until you give us some more 

What are your sources of data? What kind of data are you dealing with? 
What kinds of munging do you want to do? What formats are the data going to?

However, given that your current toolset is written as Korn shell 
scripts, I'm pretty confident that Python will be up to the task.

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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