Dabo in 30 seconds?

Ed Leafe ed at leafe.com
Mon Aug 1 08:30:27 EDT 2005

On Sunday 31 July 2005 20:09, James Stroud wrote:

> Incidentally, I'm not really interested in knowing what is wrong here,
> frankly I haven't even looked at the output except that I notice that it is
> a stack trace, so don't bother telling me how simple it is to fix and that
> I should know this or that. You might be right, but I simply don't care at
> this point.
> Sorry dabo guys. You are only one of many.

 No problem. But let me ask you what would *not* have disappointed you. As 
others have pointed out, you didn't compile the wxWidgets part of your 
wxPython install so as to include the stylized text control (yes, it seems 
silly that you should have to specify that, but that's another thread...)

 Should we have defensive code for every possible broken installation? We use 
a lot of the Python standard library modules, many dbapi-compliant modules, 
and, of course, wxPython. If someone mis-installs one of the pre-requisites, 
do you expect Dabo to catch that and present you with a diagnostic message? 
I'm serious here: I want to know what people consider acceptable for a 
software package that relies on other packages. 


-- Ed Leafe
-- http://leafe.com
-- http://dabodev.com

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