Sockets: code works locally but fails over LAN

Bryan Olson fakeaddress at
Wed Aug 31 17:03:19 EDT 2005

n00m wrote:
 > import socket, thread
 > host, port = '', 1434

Consider using INADDR_ANY instead of the specific host IP
address. The empty string will resolve to INADDR_ANY if passed
as the host to bind(). (Though that's not the problem.)

 > s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 > s2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
 > s2.connect((host, 1433))
 > s1.bind((host, port))
 > s1.listen(1)
 > cn, addr = s1.accept()

You probably want the the accept() in a loop.

 > def VB_SCRIPT():
 >     while 1:
 >         data = cn.recv(4096)
 >         if not data: return
 >         s2.send(data)

Use sendall(), not send().

 >         print 'VB_SCRIPT:' + data + '\n\n'
 > def SQL_SERVER():
 >     while 1:
 >         data = s2.recv(4096)
 >         if not data: return
 >         cn.send(data)

As above, use sendall().

 >         print 'SQL_SERVER:' + data + '\n\n'
 > thread.start_new_thread(VB_SCRIPT,())
 > thread.start_new_thread(SQL_SERVER,())
 > =============================================
 > The above code acts as an intermediator between a very simple VB script
 > and SQL Server. Like follows:
 > the vbs sends its requests to "fake" port 1434 and the python code
 > catches and re-sends them to sql server which listens to its DEFAULT
 > port = 1433... And vice versa.
 > It works fine (I see all client/server data printed in IDLE window)but
 > only locally. I.e. if vbs, python and sql server run on the same
 > machine.

My first two guess are:

     The client is trying to make more than one connection.
     Putting accept in a loop and moving some stuff will support

     The send() call is not sending all the data. Using sendall()
     should fix that.

Try the following, but *not in Idle*. The code doesn't yet have
a clean stopping method, and the run-on threads will screw-up

import socket, thread

sqls_host, sqls_port = '', 1443
proxy_host, proxy_port = '', 1434

# How I tested it:
# sqls_host, sqls_port = '', 80

def VB_SCRIPT():
     while 1:
         data = cn.recv(4096)
         if not data: return
         print 'VB_SCRIPT:' + data + '\n\n'

     while 1:
         data = s2.recv(4096)
         if not data: return
         print 'SQL_SERVER:' + data + '\n\n'

s1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s1.bind((proxy_host, proxy_port))

while 1:
     cn, addr = s1.accept()
     s2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
     s2.connect((sqls_host, sqls_port))


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