Speed quirk: redundant line gives six-fold speedup

Mark Dickinson dickinsm at verizon.net
Thu Aug 25 12:44:24 EDT 2005

I have a simple 192-line Python script that begins with the line:

dummy0 = 47

The script runs in less than 2.5 seconds.  The variable dummy0 is never
referenced again, directly or indirectly, by the rest of the script.

Here's the surprise: if I remove or comment out this first line, the
script takes more than 15 seconds to run.  So it appears that adding a
redundant line produces a spectacular six-fold increase in speed!

(Actually, I had to add 29 dummy lines at the beginning of the code to
get the speed increase; if any one of these lines is removed the
running time reverts to around 15 seconds again.)


(1) Can anyone else reproduce this behaviour, or is it just some quirk
    of my setup?
(2) Any possible explanations?  Is there some optimization that kicks
    in at a certain number of lines, or at a certain length of
(3) If (2), is there some way to force the optimization, so that I can
    get the speed increase without having to add the extra lines?

I'm running Python 2.4.1 on a 1.2Ghz iBook G4:

Python 2.4.1 (#1, May 21 2005, 19:56:42) 
[GCC 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1495)] on darwin

I've posted the code below, with some trepidation, since it's not a
work of art and wasn't really intended to be seen by other human
beings.  It's necessarily quite long: any attempt to shorten it
significantly seems to cancel the speed gain.  Any clues as to what
might be going on would be greatly appreciated!


# code starts here
dummy0 = 47
dummy1 = 47
dummy2 = 47
dummy3 = 47
dummy4 = 47
dummy5 = 47
dummy6 = 47
dummy7 = 47
dummy8 = 47
dummy9 = 47
dummy10 = 47
dummy11 = 47
dummy12 = 47
dummy13 = 47
dummy14 = 47
dummy15 = 47
dummy16 = 47
dummy17 = 47
dummy18 = 47
dummy19 = 47
dummy20 = 47
dummy21 = 47
dummy22 = 47
dummy23 = 47
dummy24 = 47
dummy25 = 47
dummy26 = 47
dummy27 = 47
dummy28 = 47

# Sudoku puzzle solver via Knuth's method of `dancing links'.

# Initial data: list of constraints, list of moves, and map from moves to lists of constraints

template = ("  | %s %s %s | %s %s %s | %s %s %s |\n" * 3).join(["  +-------+-------+-------+\n"] * 4)
div_nums = range(9)
symbols = "123456789"

constraints = ["position %d, %d" % (i, j) for i in div_nums for j in div_nums] + \
              ["%s in %s %d" % (i, j, k) for i in symbols for j in ["row", "column", "block"] for k in div_nums]

satisfies = dict(((s, i, j),
                  ["position %d, %d" % (i, j),
                   "%s in row %d" % (s, i),
                   "%s in column %d" % (s, j),
                   "%s in block %d" % (s, i-i%3+j//3)]) for s in symbols for i in div_nums for j in div_nums)

moves = satisfies.keys()

class LLentry(object): pass

# First set up the data objects and column objects

def rowhead(obj):
    obj.L = obj.R = obj.M = obj
def colhead(obj):
    obj.U = obj.D = obj.C = obj
    obj.S = 0

def rowinsert(obj, pos):
    # insert into doubly-linked list with header pos
    posL = pos.L
    obj.R = pos
    pos.L = obj
    obj.L = posL
    posL.R = obj
    obj.M = pos

def colinsert(obj, pos):
    # as above
    posU = pos.U
    obj.D = pos
    pos.U = obj
    obj.U = posU
    posU.D = obj
    obj.C = pos
    pos.S += 1
def rowitems(pos):
    c = pos.R
    while c is not pos:
        yield c
        c = c.R

def move(m):
    cc = m.R
    while cc is not m:
        c = cc.C
        c.R.L = c.L; c.L.R = c.R
        r = c.D
        while r is not c:
            j = r.R
            while j is not r:
                j.D.U = j.U
                j.U.D = j.D
                j.C.S -= 1
                j = j.R
            r = r.D
        cc = cc.R

h = LLentry()
rowhead(h); colhead(h)

constraint_from_name = {}
for name in constraints:
    obj = LLentry()
    obj.N = name; constraint_from_name[name] = obj
    rowinsert(obj, h); colhead(obj)
    obj.S = 0

move_from_name = {}
for m in satisfies.keys():
    # we must assume that each move satisfies at least one constraint
    obj = LLentry()
    obj.N = m; move_from_name[m] = obj
    colinsert(obj, h); rowhead(obj)

ones = [(move_from_name[m], constraint_from_name[c]) for m, cc in satisfies.items() for c in cc]
for m, c in ones:
    obj = LLentry()
    rowinsert(obj, m)
    colinsert(obj, c)

moves_so_far = []
# everything's now set up to start the search

def search():
    if h.L is h:
        data = dict(((i, j), s) for s, i, j in (m.N for m in moves_so_far))
        yield template % tuple(data[i, j] for i in div_nums for j in div_nums)
        mm = min((c.S, c) for c in rowitems(h))[1].D
        while mm is not mm.C:
            m = mm.M
            cc = m.R
            while cc is not m:
                c = cc.C
                c.R.L = c.L
                c.L.R = c.R
                r = c.D
                while r is not c:
                    j = r.R
                    while j is not r:
                        j.D.U = j.U
                        j.U.D = j.D
                        j.C.S -= 1
                        j = j.R
                    r = r.D
                cc = cc.R
            for solution in search():
                yield solution
            m = moves_so_far.pop()
            cc = m.L
            while cc is not m:
                c = cc.C
                r = c.U
                while r is not c:
                    j = r.L
                    while j is not r:
                        j.D.U = j.U.D = j
                        j.C.S += 1
                        j = j.L
                    r = r.U
                c.R.L = c.L.R = c
                cc = cc.L
            mm = mm.D

rows = [

for r, row in enumerate(rows):
    for c, entry in enumerate(row):
        if entry != '.':
            move(move_from_name[(entry, r, c)])

import time
t = time.time()
for i in range(10):
    for solution in search():
        print solution
print "Total time taken: %s seconds" % (time.time() - t)

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