As Simple As Possible?

Jules Dubois not-even at dispsable.address.this.time
Thu Aug 18 02:00:35 EDT 2005

On Wednesday 17 August 2005 22:11, jitya <jitendran at>
(<1124338318.133726.304370 at>) wrote:

>  Chuck Allison says:
>     After three years of study, I have concluded that Python is about
> as simple as a full-powered object-oriented language can get. My inner
> programmer just loves it.
> [snip comment and quotation]
> I know of no language to which these words apply more than Python.

Smalltalk has a noticeably simpler syntax and is a "full-powered
object-oriented language".  It's also built on a "full-powered
object-oriented platform" written in Smalltalk so virtually all the base
system can be modified without changing languages.


Your statement, "My inner programmer just loves it", is telling.  Whatever
it is about certain programming languages that make better programmers more
productive is mostly a personal matter.  Paul Graham has written several
articles about LISP and great programmers -- and I can see why.

Smalltalk is or would be my first choice if everything else were equal. 
Python is what I actually use.

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