Parsing a log file

Andreas Kostyrka andreas at
Sun Aug 14 08:37:44 EDT 2005

Am Samstag, den 13.08.2005, 14:01 -0700 schrieb CG:

Well, you have described your problem nicely. One thing that's missing
is how to deal with incorrect input. (For example missing connect or
disconnect messages).

Furthermore, you can now:
a) try to find somebody who writes it for you. How you motivate that
person is another question.
b) try to hack some solution yourself. Start with doing the python


> I am looking for a way to parse a simple log file to get the
> information in a format that I can use.  I would like to use python,
> but I am just beginning to learn how to use it.  I am not a programmer,
> but have done some simple modifications and revisions of scripts.  I am
> willing to attempt this on my own, if someone can point me in the right
> direction (any example scripts that do similar things would be
> helpful).  This doesn't have to be Python, but I need a cross-platform
> solution (i.e. Perl or some other kind of script).  I just wanted to
> try Python because I like the concept of it.
> Here is my scenario:
> I have a program that connects and disconnects to a server.  It writes
> a simple log file like this:
> 08-13-2005  13:19:37:564 Program: CONNECTED to 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  15:40:08:313 Program: DISCONNECTED from 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  15:45:39:234 Program: CONNECTED to 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  15:55:18:113 Program: DISCONNECTED from 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  16:30:57:264 Program: CONNECTED to 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  16:59:46:417 Program: DISCONNECTED from 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  17:10:33:264 Program: CONNECTED to 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  18:25:26:316 Program: DISCONNECTED from 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  18:58:13:564 Program: CONNECTED to 'Server'
> 08-13-2005  19:29:10:715 Program: DISCONNECTED from 'Server'
> What I basically want to do is end up with a text file that can be
> easily imported into a database with a format like this (or I guess it
> could be written in a SQL script form that could write directly to a
> database like Mysql):
> Connect_Date Connect_Time Disconnect_date Disconnect_time User
> ------------ ------------ --------------- --------------- -------
> 08-13-2005   13:19:37     08-13-2005      15:40:08        John
> 08-13-2005   15:45:39     08-13-2005      15:55:18        John
> 08-13-2005   16:30:57     08-13-2005      16:59:46        John
> 08-13-2005   17:10:33     08-13-2005      18:25:26        John
> 08-13-2005   18:58:13     08-13-2005      19:29:10        John
> Here are some notes about this:
> * the username would come from the log file name (i.e.
> John_Connect.log)
> * I don't need the fractions of seconds in the timestamps
> * I only need date, time, and connect or disconnect, the other info is
> not important
> * If it is possible to calculate the elapsed time between Connect and
> Disconnect and create a new field with that data, that would help (but
> I can easily do that with SQL queries)
> * This log file layout seems to be consistent
> * There may not be a "disconnect" statement if the log file is read
> while connected, so the next time it would have to insert the
> disconnect information.  The file will be read quite regularly, so this
> is very likely.
> * This would eventually need to be done without intervention (maybe
> every 5 minutes).
> I am open to other ideas or existing programs and am flexible about the
> final solution.
> Thanks,
> Clint
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